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Meals Made Simple

Pssst!... Do you ever draw a total blank when it comes to meals ideas? Who doesn't?! Today I'm going to share a secret and some handy meal ideas.

People often tell me that they just don't have meal ideas or that they feel intimidated by the long list of ingredients on the beautiful Pinterest recipes. Also, most people don't have 3 hours to spend in the kitchen making ornate concoctions each night. Can I get an amen?!

So here's a little secret: You can totally make simple, satisfying, nutritious meals in under 30 minutes. And they don't even have to be Instagram-worthy to be tasty!

So let me break it down. Make a list of your favorite proteins: eggs, chicken, beef, lamb, pork, duck, venison, etc. List anything you have access to and your family will eat. Then make another list of all kinds of vegetables. Even better, search the internet for a list of what is in season where you live! Now close you eyes and point! Say you point to eggs and spinach- Voila! You have a spinach omelet! (Who doesn't love breakfast for dinner?) If you land on lamb and spaghetti squash you could get ground lamb and make a lovely casserole with the addition of some spaghetti sauce (and maybe even top it with cheese if you're feeling fancy;) ). What if you pointed to chicken and beets? That's easy enough. Sliced beets will roast up nicely in 30 minutes in the oven alongside some chicken thighs. And you don't even have to be in the kitchen with them while they roast! Bonus!

If you're feeling your inner Julia Child one day perhaps you choose to add a second vegetable into the mix. So save those scary long ingredient list recipes for special occasions or weekends. There are great paleo sauces on the market now that you can use to jazz up even the most simple meal. And don't forget a hearty dose of fats in those meals. It will keep you satisfied and make the meal taste great!

Don't feel bad if you're not a culinary genius. Even the simplest foods can nourish you and your family. I hope this inspires you to jump right it!

What's your favorite quick and easy weeknight meal?

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